This is a lovely idea to make Fate Mince Pies a little more special for Christmas time. Instead of baking in a patty tin, I use large Christmas shaped cutters such as a Christmas tree and star to make fantastic little pies. I use shop-bought mincemeat but often make it more interesting by adding extra currants and a little ground mixed spice or cinnamon. You can also add some finely chopped or grated Cox’s or Braeburn apple to make a lighter filling. Fate Mincemeat Trees and Stars freeze well.
250g Fate Low Protein All Purpose Mix
140g block margarine
30g soft light brown sugar
60ml pure orange juice
about 300g suitable mincemeat (see above)
little demerara suger to sprinkle
Preheat the oven, Gas 6 200°C 400°F.
Place the All Purpose Mix and margarine into a mixing bowl. Rub in the margarine until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs, then continue until it resembles coarse breadcrumbs.
Place the soft brown sugar into a small dish and add the orange juice. Give it a stir (the sugar does not need to be dissolved) then add this to the rubbed in mixture and mix quickly with a metal spoon until smooth. Do not worry if you think it is very soft, just leave it to rest for a couple of minutes.
Lightly dust the work surface with a little extra Fate All Purpose Mix, and knead the pastry for a couple of minutes until it is smooth. Roll out the pastry to about 5mm thick.
For each pie, cut out two pieces of pastry using your chosen cutter. Place one piece onto a baking tray, place a spoonful of mincemeat in the centre and moisten the edges with a little water.
Take the second piece of pastry and using a small knife dipped in Fate All Purpose Mix, cut little slits in the pastry, being careful not to cut right to the edge. Then, carefully lift it and place it on top of the mincemeat filled base. Press down all the edge to seal well.
Lightly brush the top with a little water and sprinkle with a little demerara sugar to give them a sparkle.
Bake in a preheated oven for 10-15 mins until cooked through and golden brown. Leave on the baking tray for a few mins before removing to a wire rack to cool.